Root Chakra Balance (396 Hz)
- Root Chakra Balance
- https://www.mindvibrations.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Root-Chakra-1-min-sample.mp3
- https://www.mindvibrations.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Root-Chakra-1-min-sample.ogg
– 1-hour of 396 Hz music for balancing the Root Chakra
– Instant high-quality mp3 download
396 Hz is the healing frequency associated with the Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara meaning “support” or “base.”
The Root Chakra is located at the bottom of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, and governs your sense of safety and security through life.
Additionally, this areas is important because our spinal chord connects our nervous system to the brain. Since most functions and movements depend heavily on the spinal cord, issues in this area can drain our overall energy levels.
A blockage and imbalance of energy in this area can result in you feeling anxious, fearful, and generally uneasy. This can affect your thinking, relationships, and overall happiness.
The 396 Hz frequency is widely associated with the liberation of feelings of fear and guilt, but its intrinsic relationship with the Root Chakra means its influence is far reaching.
The 396 frequency helps rebalance Root Chakra energy by unblocking tension and anxiety and helping you feel more safe and secure within yourself.
Download your copy of Root Chakra Balance now.